Day One : Why I’m Starting To Write Online

What is this all about

Pranav Naik
2 min readOct 15, 2022

I have been a classic overthinker for most part of my life. I usually get stuck between thinking and choosing between various options and end up procrastinating or fearing and not doing the thing I wanted to do. Recently, I started to realize that action cures fear and that’s what I am committing to.

I have enrolled for #Ship30For30 challenge. For the next 30 days, (hopefully) everyday, you’ll see a small write-up aka Atomic Essay from me.

Here is what intend to achieve in these 30 days

  1. Commit to the action of putting down thoughts in mind on the paper
  2. Be a part of amazing community of fellow shippers and learn from them
  3. Take first step in the amazing world of online creation

Over the next 30 days, I plan on writing about -

  1. Mindfulness, Philosophy (because I think that’s where the true path to happiness lies)
  2. Personal Finance (because they don’t teach this at school or college and everyone is mostly on their own until they start making mistakes about their finances)

Even though the topics in the first set are loosely connected, believe me, the second topic is tightly connected with first two 😉

I will try to share some stories and personal experiences around these topics. On days, you might like what I wrote, on days, you’ll find it random. But I am sure, this will be a joyful ride. Please join me on this adventure and please let me know what do you think about my writing 🤗

I’m excited to start sharing what I know, Online … Stay Tuned …😎

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog

