Mindfulness : Part 1
Mindfulness is first step for mind full of happiness
It is a man’s basic human ability to be fully present, to be aware of what we are, what we are doing, what is happening around us and what is our reaction to that
Is Mindfulness really a fancy affair ?
Search Mindfulness on internet and you’ll find all sorts of fancy videos, write-ups about it. You’ll most likely find 5-Steps for mindfulness. One of the step will be meditation. Others could be being present in the moment, gratitude and what not. But I have come to realize, mindfulness is not all the fancy things internet will serve you under the pretext of hi-fi marketing gimmicks. It is much simpler and easy to practice.
Being mindful is simply looking at yourself from a third person’s point of view.
Say, you got angry with someone. That mindful third person will check if you are all right, why did you get angry, was it needed, was it justified, should you say sorry, if it is not justified. Don’t feel guilty that you got angry. It is just the way you mind reacted, so be it. Make that third person a best friend of yours and he/she will help you be more mindful.
First step of being mindful
This will not happen in a jiffy, it takes deliberate practice. It takes inputs from someone who is mostly around you. Just practicing this third person point of view start with a simple scenario, say when you get angry or anxious or maybe excited.
This first steps lightens the next steps — Surrender and Spirituality Enlightening ! Stay tuned till we talk more about it and be mindful 😊
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